#2 - Sunday night, November 12, Asher was up all night crying. I took the first shift and held and rocked him until about 4am. Then Jonathan took over so I could get a few hours of sleep. We called the doctor the morning of the 13th and got an appointment. That's when we found out that Asher had ear infection in his right ear. Dr. Nau said it was pretty bad so he put Asher on a potent antibiotic, Omnicef. So we went home and had another sleepless night until Tuesday when Asher woke up feeling better.
#3 - Then on Thursday night, Asher was awake, crying and whimpering every hour. So we made another appointment to see the doctor on Friday, November 17th. We found out that Asher's right ear was getting better, but his left ear had a terrible infection. The doctor also checked his oxygen saturation because he said he heard slight wheezing in Asher's lungs. Asher's sats were 94% and that's considered low (usually it's best to be 98-100%). So we were sent to have x-rays of Asher's lungs. His x-rays showed that he had the beginnings of pneumonia. So Asher had a shot of antibiotic in his poor little leg and he was put on Zithromax.
Asher finaly slept well last night and was actually smiling this morning. He had a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal and played on the floor. It was so nice to see his smile again.
It's amazing how you can hurt for another person, especially your child. Plus, when you don't sleep your emotions totaly take over any kind of rational thinking. Tears seem to well up over the smallest things. I'm just glad that he's feeling better and we pray this is the end of his illness.
I took Trent in on Wednesday morning for an ear infection. Trent could definitely understand what Asher is going through. He also has been crying about everything. Plus he is very tired. Don't be afraid to use Tylenol or Ibuprofen to knock out some of the pain. We also give Trent extra pillows to help with drainage at night. You can remember that for future years. Trent has had enough of these that we diagnose it ours, then go tell the doctor.
PS. I thoroughly enjoyed spending an hour alone with Asher while he stayed at Grandma Van Maanen's house. We had a great time playing and moving to music.
Enjoy your precious child! - Marlene
PS2 - This is my first "blog" experience, too.
Just breaks your heart when they're sick, doesn't it? I'm thankful we haven't had any sicknesses yet with Tally.
Actually Jen
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