This is gettin' good! :) I'm enjoying The Ministry of Motherhood so much as it might be a standard gift for my first-time-mom friends. It's been so encouraging to me and I'm only through the second chapter.
Good Morning Girls has been "directing" the book clubs and their extra material has been wonderful. They have commentary from the author Sally Clarkson, posts by fellow bloggers and book-club members, and they have a recap for the week as well. I've enjoyed the daily Scripture reading as well. It's been such a blessing to sit down and really mull over 1-2 (sometimes more) verses. It's great to be able to digest, reflect, and pray through Scripture daily. And the best part is, it hasn't been overwhelming because it's only a few verses each day.Alright, on to Chapters 1 & 2.
We're starting out with the first gift - Grace. Sally writes about Jesus' example of grace in the lives of his disciples. That he calls his disciples into a relationship with himself, all the while training them to represent himself through his power and grace. It's an amazing process to read and ponder and then apply to my relationship with my boys. I need to teach my children how to receive grace and then how to give grace, and therefore I need to do the same thing. :) But Sally reminds us that it's not all up to us. It's up to the Author of grace to draw my children unto himself.
Sally goes on to say that if we want our children to listen to our messages of grace (or whatever we are trying to get through to them with our words) we must first be willing to show them grace with our time. We need to be willing to serve our children and instead of commanding our children's allegiance with orders, threats, manipulation or guilt we need to tie the cords of their hearts to ours, to develop an unbreakable bond of a loving, serving relationship. Our service as mothers must come before great words of wisdom, teaching or training. If our children know we love them with our actions, they will listen to our words. God's Word about his love and grace will be real to them by the example that I set. (Yikes!!)
I also appreciate that she addresses the fact that we are not our children's servants. We don't give in to their every whim. Jesus did command obedience but he earned that obedience by his loving actions of service...and grace. When we discipline our children, grace must come first. We are setting the example for them to understand Jesus' forgiveness and grace. And it's so hard to do - to know that I'm to be that example is a tall order and a little daunting. But it's important and I want to make sure that my husband and I are being intentional about sharing the gift of grace with our boys. I want them to see Jesus in me and therefore make it easier to trust Jesus as they get older.
Again, the book has been so encouraging and yet challenging. I can't wait to share with you about the next few chapters.
What are your thoughts about Chapters 1 & 2? How has God been speaking to you through the daily Scripture passages?
If you're reading along with us please let me know and I'll link you up here.
I love how grace works. Jesus was the perfect example of grace. He calls us to extend grace to our children, so that they might learn what it means to foster a loving and grace-giving relationship. Yet, we fail and Jesus give us grace and fills in the gaps by continuing to draw our kiddos to him despite our faults. Amen! However, a TALL order indeed.