
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seder Dinner

It's almost time for our 2nd annual Seder dinner for the high school leadership team. What a blessing to be preparing food and getting decorations ready for such a wonderful event.

A Seder dinner is a traditional Passover feast where Jewish people celebrate their liberation from Egypt and safety from the 10th plague as the angel (of death) passed over the homes that had blood sprinkled on their doors.

There is so. much. symbolism in this dinner and that's what makes it so incredible. We are having some traditional fare along with some new things and some things I made up. :) I don't know if they're all Kosher but I tried.

Spring Salad
Matzo Ball Soup
Roasted Potatoes
Green Beans
Flourless Walnut-Date Cake

(As with most recipes I use, I did change some things to my liking.)

I'm using the same program that we used last year which makes this year a lot. less. work. :) And I'm thankful for that. I love how our program takes the Jewish Seder and relates it to Christianity and how Jesus fulfilled all the promises that the Seder talks about. God is faithful. And then at the end it takes it to a new level - to the Last Supper, where Jesus makes a new covenant with His people - the bread is His body and the wine is His blood. Really, it's a great service and is worthwhile checking out. We like to celebrate it on the Thursday before Good Friday because that's when Jesus celebrated before going into the Garden to pray. I think it really sets the tone for the weekend being worshipful. I even feel a little melancholy on Saturday (the day that lies between Good Friday and Sunday - a day I almost forget about). But then going to bed knowing the ending - a happy ending. Anyway, a Seder is a great way to start of the Easter weekend.

If you want more information on the Haggadah (the book that takes you through the elements of the Seder), let me know. I'd love to get that to you.

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