
Friday, June 25, 2010


I've recently become a fan of Molly Piper's blog. She has some great stuff on there including her series How to Help Your Grieving Friend that she created after delivering a stillborn baby girl, Felicity. She says things that I feel but can't verbalize and so I'm letting her speak for me. I realize that delivering a stillborn baby is a trauma that I don't understand, but I lost a child that I will never know in this physical world. And we both have that in common. Anyway, here are my thoughts on her first post in the series Just Know That She's Exhausted (make sure you stop over and read the entire article - it's really good).

And I am. Totally.Exhausted. Exhaustion has been my constant companion. Like Molly, I have sleep issues. I have a hard time falling asleep, getting back to sleep after waking in the night, and I'm craving naps every day. Here's something she said that stuck out to me:
In the loneliness and quiet of the night when you are the only person awake in your house, thoughts come fast and furious.

And of course, if your friend is grieving over a later miscarriage or infant loss, they have the physical recovery to deal with and hormones that are attempting to re-regulate.
It's hard to have those thoughts in the middle of the night when your children and husband are sleeping so peacefully and your heart is in agony. And the days following nights like that are exhausting.

In her next posts she includes some tangible things you can do to help your friend. And I'm not asking people to do these for me, but they are things that I've craved during my loss. And it's hard for me to admit that. I hope you stop over at Molly's blog and check out the way she's helping women care for each other.

(To read more of my thoughts on Molly's series click here.)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have been posting about this Jess. I have wondered how you are doing and have wanted to know more but didn't want to pry. So thanks for letting "me" know. Besides the things mentioned in the article... let us know if there's anything we can do for you. We will be praying. We will be in town the weekend after next... it might be fun to have ice cream or something:)


Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!