
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Me Wanna Cookie

Hey friends!

First of all, I finally am crossing something off of my Gettin' It Done in My 30's List!! I am guest posting over at B in Real Life today. She's continuing her week of Sayin' Bye Bye Bye to Food Dyes!! And she's asked me to share our story of why we kicked Cookie Monster frosting to the curb. She's also sharing the signs that your child may be sensitive to food dyes. So make sure you head over to B in Real Life and check it out!!


  1. Jessica,
    thanks for sharing! wow. I am clueless on the food dye thing, but now I am interested in learning more! Where did you start? Any resources to recommend? Have you noticed any differences in your younger son? or yourself?
    we try to avoid processed stuff, but that isn't enough to avoid dyes . . .
    thanks again for sharing and prayers are with you and your full life :)

  2. Hi Emily!

    Thanks for your questions. I may need to do a follow-up post here. :) Brooke introduced me to the idea of the Feingold Diet. We're just eliminating dyes right now and our youngest hasn't really been affected by the changes since he's got a pretty even temperament to begin with. Another great resource is the blog Die Food Dye. :)


Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!