
Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Wanna Try

Yes, this is another blog list cause I can't get things done quick enough. :) So to document my "wanna tries" and to share them with you - you may even be able to try them before me - here we go...

I've been thinking about doing this in my boys' room:
a) books that have their name in them
b) good "boy" books
c) my childhood favorites

from Project Nursery

Oh, how I've been feeling this lately. Would love to get a print of this for my kitchen, living room, or laundry room.

from Etsy's Twitterpated Toad

No more searching for blue jars - you can just make your own out of jars from a discount store. Yay!!

from Bridal Buzz

A great way to spruce up old jelly or pickle jars so you can repurpose those too. Or even a blue jar lid. :)

from Design Sponge

Thought this would be a great pillow for our bed. :) And I could even make this myself.

from Apartment Therapy

I thought this was a great idea for storage under a bed. Cute and purposeful. Does anyone have any old suitcases I could have? :)

from Better Homes and Gardens


This is probably my favorite!! I LOVE the organization in this small closet. And it's cute ta' boot!

from Better Homes and Gardens

 Words can not express. Mmmmm (as I wipe the drool from the corner of my mouth). I don't think I'll be able to wait until summer to make these treats. Chocolate and Salted Caramel Pudding Pops?! Who wouldn't love to nosh on those right now?!

from Endless Simmer

Hope you enjoyed my latest findings. And please let me know if you have a chance to try them out before I get to them. :)

1 comment:

  1. I want that closet! And those blue jars! I can't wait until we move into our new house so I can start decorating my HOUSE instead of a rental!


Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!