
Thursday, October 7, 2010


Does anyone have any tips to get red fingernail polish out of carpet? I'd appreciate any suggestions: do's or don'ts. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. From "Talking Dirty with the Queen of Clean"

    "Test the effect of nonoily nail polish remover on an inconspicious part of the carpet. If there are no ill effects to the carpet pile, apply the nail polish remover with an eyedropper or a nonsilver spoon, blotting immediately after each application. Always use nonoily polish remover. If regular nail polish remover does not work, buy straight acetone, pretest again, and apply as directed above. Once you have removed as much as possible (have patience), follow with a good carpet stain remover, applied according to the directions. If color staining remains, apply hydrogen peroxide to bleach or lighten the stain."
    Hope this helps!


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