It's our last week for the Shrinking Summer Challenge at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. I haven't done as well as I would have liked, but there have been losses nonetheless. So I'm proud of that. And extremely proud of this: I am out of the 160's!!!!!!
I've been really good about not weighing myself everyday. But it's hard not to want to know if there's been a loss (yeah) or a gain (NO!). And I always want a little preview on Tuesday night to mentally prepare myself for Wednesday. This morning I was pleasantly surprised with a 2 lb loss!! Yeah!!!
Here are the stats for this week:
starting weight: 160.8
current weight: 158.8
loss: 2 lb!!
original starting weight: 166.4
cumulative weight loss: 7.6 lbs
continued goals for this week:
1. I will not give up.
This has been a great goal for me because I was about to quit the Sisterhood. I'm glad I didn't (but it will be nice to not have the team "pressure" when I'm working through thyroid issues.
2. I will go to bed on time.
Again, has been getting better. I'm naturally a night-owl and I love to sleep in (but with two little boys that has become impossible). So was staying up way too late and having to get up way too early. Not a good combo. ;)
3. I will exercise daily (walking, shredding, swimming) and post on my blog - just for some accountability.
I'm still not on the daily exercise train. I've just been doing outdoor activities with my boys, but no Shredding and no real sweat-inducing workouts. Major improvement needed here.
4. I will only weigh on Wednesday.
Like I mention, I did great with this goal (except for my Tuesday night preview).
5. I will do this for me!
I continue to make healthy choices daily even while my body adjusts to my new medication. I'm feeling a little more perky this week so hopefully I'll get some workouts in.
Let's go Team Navy!!!
congrats!! :) doesn't it feel great to break through to a lower "decade"?