
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cupcake Hamburgers and Cookie Fries

These cupcakes, yes, cupcakes, were inspired by Bakerella. She does some amazing things with cake and this is just another example of her creativity. The french fries are sugar cookies with extra sugar on them to look like salt. The buns are yellow cupcakes and the burgers are brownies. So yummy and so cute.

Bakerella had used this idea for Father's Day. She even has templates for baskets, tissue paper, and fry bags. But I didn't have the time or resources to print out my own material so my husband made a trip to DQ and bought 24 little baskets and 24 paper sacks for $2. Totally worth it. We wrapped each basket in plastic wrap before placing in the paper sack. They really turned out cute. My son thought I was "tricking" on him when he bit into the "burger." So cute!!

I thought this would make a cute 4th of July treat for a picnic we went to. They were a hit. Next time I'm going to work on not making my frosting too runny and making my cupcakes a little smaller.

Check out Bakerella for the full "tutorial." And don't forget to dispose of your waste properly. ;)


  1. Hey Jessica,
    My sister Katie loves this website too and made these for Father's Day. They were so cute and tasted great. I don't know if I will ever be so adventurous, I might just let her be the creative cook in the family :)

  2. Those are so cute! Totally adorable! And I bet they taste yummy- cupcakes, brownie, frosting, cookies... mmmmm... now I'm making myself hungry.


Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!