
Monday, June 22, 2009

Walking to the Pool

I didn't Shred today. I took the boys on a big trip to Wal-Mart with promises of treats at the end for good behavior. There were no treats.

After the boys napped and I cleaned/packed/folded laundry I thought we needed to get out of the house because the boys were really squirrely. So I got out the sunscreen and the swimming suits. At first I thought I would drive the 8 blocks to the pool and thought that was ridiculous. Besides the gas, I needed the exercise since there was no one Shredding at my house this morning. I grabbed some water, towels and snacks (for the walk home) and put the boys in the wagon.

I think walking was a mistake. It was about 94 degrees out and the heat index was 103 degrees. Yuck!! It was so humid that the grass I walked on (cutting through an empty lot) got my flip-flops all wet. First I thought my feet were sweating profusely, but it was just the dewy 3:30 in the afternoon.

We made it to the pool (after two breaks for mom) and had a glorious time splashing in the water. I was dreading the walk home but it went way better than the way there. Partly because it's downhill and partly because we were wet. The pool is so refreshing. I think we may venture there tomorrow, but I'd rather not walk the 8 blocks. ;)

PS. Current temperature (10:30pm) 88 degrees and the heat index is 99 degrees. At 10:30pm!! Yuck. Iowa is such a crummy great place to live with the summer heat index and the winter wind chill. ;)

1 comment:

  1. i recall incidents when i chose to walk, dragging the kids behind in a was exhausting.

    now, i'm going to encourage you! GO SHRED! you can do it. it only takes 20 min. it'll give you lots of energy. 8.25 inches, you could lose 8.25 inches (like terra, this is what i tell myself to make me do it. :-).
    okay next time your going to report back that you did it!


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