
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shrinking Days of Summer

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

As most of you know, on May 20 I joined the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans and started Shredding away the pounds. The Sisterhood has a new summer challenge - Shrinking Days of Summer - and it's not too late to join, since today is Day 1. The great thing about this challenge is you can team up. I'm teamed up with four other women from around the U. S. to form Team Navy!! I'm excited to be on a team and hopefully knowing that I'm on a team will keep me away from the extra calories and closer to my enemy dear friend, Jillian Michaels.

I have to say that this is going to be hard for me - posting my weight - for my friends and family to see. I don't mind strangers knowing because they don't know me. But I need some accountability to work out and lose some poundage. So, here I am. Bearing my flab. I'm just asking that you don't judge me and encourage me instead.

Starting Weight (6/3) - 161.8lbs

Now, I mentioned last week that we finally bought a scale. My husband and I weighed up and I was at 166.4lbs. So, with all the Shredding I've been doing:

I lost 4.6lbs (2.76%) in one week!!

That's amazing for me. I'm pretty pumped about that. I haven't seen my measurements change but I have noticed there's less jiggle during my jumping jacks. ;)

So, pray for me and encourage me. And GO TEAM NAVY!! Let's lose some pounds!

The Sisterhood - Team NAVY

* This morning I was up at 5:45am to Shred with a friend at 6am. Third day of Level 2 and it kicked my butt...well, more literally my shoulders. ;)


  1. that's amazing!!! congrats!

    i have to say i'm the same as you -i only wear a bathing suit when i'm out of state.

  2. Great loss! Keep it up!

  3. Wow! 4.6 pounds in a week is amazing.

  4. Yay Jessica, you're off to a great start! Keep it up!

  5. Wow 4.6 pounds in 1 week that is amazing, way to go girl!!! Keep up the great work.

  6. great job!!! Over 4lbs in one week, you go girl!!!

    Thanks for the pep talk over on my blog, I need it.

    Good luck with your weight loss you are off to a wonderful start.

  7. Great loss for the week!! And thanks for joining us! We're so glad to have you!

    You said you weren't sure what an ideal weight would be for you. That depends on how tall you are and what your bone structure is. I'm 5'3" with a medium bone structure, so 130 is a good weight for me. Make sense?

    Good luck this challenge!!

  8. Wow, great job!! Good luck on the challenge!

  9. Just for that you get the smack talk.

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    You better look out
    TEAM BLACK is coming after YOU.


  10. WOW. Great job. Keep up the good work teammate!

  11. Good for you! That's a ton to lose in a week and a great motivator!

  12. that is terrific jessica.

    when vacation is over (next wed.) i'm gonna be making a trip top target to pick me up a dvd. your stories are so encouraging!

  13. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! I am really happy for you girl. I think it's a great sounding program to keep yourself going! Keep it up.

  14. By the time I finished the entire 30 days of shredding, there was MUCH LESS jiggling going on while I was jumping around. THAT was the best feeling ever!

    Congrats on your awesome loss and way to go on getting up at the crack of dawn to shred!! You are an inspiration!


Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!