
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Works-for-Me Wednesday: Preventing Bikini Bumps

When I was a kid I loved watching the Miss America Pageant. My favorite was the Evening Gown Competition. They just looked so elegant. Several years ago they interviewed some of the Beauties and asked what their favorite beauty tip was and there's one that I've been following ever since:

using powder deoderant on your bikini area after you shave: it will prevent those nasty red bikini bumps

It really works. I use powder deo anyways so this was an easy addition to my morning routine. Just add a little deo to the bikini area. I have sesitive skin so I continue to apply deo for a few days after shaving. Really, this works!!

For more Works-For-Me Wednesday tips head over to We Are THAT Family!


  1. Wow! This I will definitely have to try!

    Oh, to be able to pull a Miss America aside and learn all her beauty secrets... *sigh*

  2. I love the idea. But.......
    I will never EVER EVER shave in that area EVER EVER EVER again.

    My BFF talked me into going with her for a bikini wax several summers ago.......and I will never go back to shaving!
    It isn't torture like I imagined either. It's the smoothest and cleanest way to go.
    It lasts quite a while too.
    Oh....and I've never had any bumps from it either.

  3. Wow! This is actually something that has been bothering me lately, and I had been wondering if it would fix it if I used shaving cream rather than just lathering with soap. I'll try this. Thanks!

  4. No WAY!!! That is SOOO cool! I wrote a WFMW like this a few weeks ago. Coconut oil works for me...usually. But when I travel and stuff I don't take my coconut oil with me. I will definitly give this a try! Thanks for the great tip.

  5. That problem is why I pretend I hate swimming and always wear at least shorts - I never shave anything down there, just trim it with my newfangled electric trimmer. I like it that way, with no itching.

  6. This must be why you never get them under your arms!!! This is pure GENIUS!!!!!

  7. i knew to use baby powder before waxing, but i didn't know deo after shaving...yeah for knowledge! :)

  8. OMG IT WORKS!!!!!! I tried it last night and I am 100% bump free!!!! My coconut oil worked, but this is somehow even better. I used Dove Unscented Sensitive skin.

    Thanks BTW for visiting my blog today :-)


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