
Friday, March 27, 2009

How To Clean Your Gas Stove Drip Pans

I've been neglecting cleaning the drip pans on my gas stove-top for some time (as you can see by the first photo). They had gotten so bad that I priced new drip pans (way too expensive to just replace) and decided to check the internet for cleaning ideas or tips:

WD-40: did get the top layer of grime off, but not the really dark stuff underneath
oven cleaner: seemed a little harsh outside of the oven
boiling and scrubbing with baking powder: took a lot of time and only did an ok job

So, I decided to try my own methed. I rubbed Dawn Dish Detergent into the stains and poured hot water into the pans and let them set for about 15 minutes. Then I got out the steel wool and wiped away most of the grime. I had to scrub a little harder on the really bad ones, but they came out looking like new!!


  1. Hi Jess! I cleaned mine the best I could a while back, but I wrapped them in tinfoil before putting them back on the stove - so now I can just re-wrap them instead of cleaning them, which took forever!

    See you soon!

  2. Doesn't steelwool just ROCK? It saved me many a ehmm.. stovepart, or pan, or.....

    I don't think we have these kind of drip pans in Holland, they look nifty 'though. I always have to clean the whole stovetop when I spill something..

    Greetings from the Netherlands :D


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