
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Homeschooling Lessons 4 & 5

We have been getting through our homeschooling VERY slowly. It takes us about 2-3 weeks per lesson. I'll admit it: I'm a bit discouraged. I am a very detail-oriented person, and my least not yet. We haven't found a daily time that works well. Sometimes it's in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon and sometimes it's before bed. So, I'm working on the routine aspect of it all and hopefully will try again next week to finish one lesson in one week.

Here's what we did for lessons 4 and 5:

Lesson 4
This lesson's Bible verse has come in VERY handy many times over the past few weeks...and I'm sure he'll be reciting it often in the future:
"Do everything without complaining or arguing." Philippians 2:14

Lesson 5
We made...I made snowflakes that have been hanging from our kitchen light fixture. He played with the "confetti" made by the snowflake-cutting process. Oh, and triangles are his favorite shape so this was an exciting week!!


  1. WOWOWOWOOWOW! You are good sister!

    WOW. Is all I can say. Wow.

    I was actually coming over to say that I don't really follow this...but after seeing how you are doing things, I LOVE it.

    SO tell me, how did you start with this? We've done A B and C and are about to start D...and of course, I never want to overwhelm her. I would probably do less than the site suggested. But I love what you have done.

    Are you trying to do everything? Is your son enjoying it?

    Look forward to discussing this with you more!

  2. Jessica - your learning poster is SO creative. Your son is blessed to have a mommy who puts such effort into his learning. I love the variety and your intentionality. Remind me, is your son a preschooler? How old is he? Don't be discouraged in the timing of school. My son is a first grader and I have 2 preschoolers and I try to do it in the a.m. - some days it's early, some days later and some days we don't get to it until the afternoon. There are days we do more than others - I find if I give myself a 'break" in knowing the flexibility is ok then I don't get to anxious about when things are done. It's ok to feel out your child's best time of day - you'll get more and more a rhythm as you go along.
    Blessings to you - and thank you for sharing all your lessons from "home". Seriously, I am not a good cook and I will be checking your blog for good practical ideas. : )

  3. What curriculum do you use? Or is this something you came up with on your own? Neat-O! I know what it's like to get discouraged...keep at it, you are doing great! :-)

  4. I use the free online curriculum called "Letter of the Week."

    It's by Brightly Beaming Stepts to Reading. This is their Prep Curriculum (ages 2-4).

    The next step up, Letter of the Week Preschool, is geared for 3-year-olds.

    I've really enjoyed the program so far. It was really overwhelming...and still is sometimes, so I continue to tweak it to where I want it. For example they have the summary of the weeks in list form, and I really need a chart for the weeks. So I can add in fun crafts I find for the letters, numbers or the theme. I'm much better with a chart.

    Let me know if you have any more questions or want to know what I've changed about the program.

  5. look at how intentional you are with your child. great job.
    i use to pre-home-school my kids to get them ready for school. i tried to make it at a consistent time. we would have an a.m snack together at 10:30 a.m. and then we'd sing a few songs together (we still start our school days off with the same song "this is the day"), and then i'd do our lesson, which only took about 20 min. (all the attention span little ones have).

    we also made an abc book. 26 blank pages made into a book. i began with "a" and drew a handful of "a"
    things with the big and little letter "a." then they colored in those things. eventually the book was full. and as we did this book i would sing abc's, and i would sing the abc's using the phonic sounds instead. eventually they could sing their phonic sounds too. this helped them to formulate words by the first week of kindergarten!

    i have just given you a lot of information. hope it is helpful and not overwhelming.

  6. I hope you have blogger set up to receive this.

    I have a question for you. I've decided to do the letter of the week a little more like the website has it set up.

    I'll tell you, I love the way you have your board set up. Can you tell me where you got all the little flashcards?

    Also, have you found a good work book with the letters in it in dot form, so I dont have to print new worksheets every week.


Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!