
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Organizing Your Child's New Year

Like I've said before: I love calendars. I also love organization. I'm constantly reorganizing my home to make better use of space, prioritize items, declutter, and just for fun.

I've talked about bedtime routines before. Well, now with "school" starting for my oldest, I decided it was time for him to have a daily routine as well. I don't like to focus too much on the clock but put focus on the order of the day. I hang the calendar and routines on the refrigerator so they're easy for my toddler to find and reference. Below, I have pictured our routines for the New Year. Feel free to use these as a guide when making routines for your children. I used pictures and numbers so they can learn the routine before they can read.

Bedtime Routine
Weekly Calendar
(I put on the "special" things that we do each week; I don't put daily items on this calendar)
Daily Routine
(at this point all he knows are the pictures and numbers so it works pretty well)
My son loves to look at his routines and calendars. I didn't want them to get all messy or ripped and so I decided to protect the big ones with sheet protectors and the small one is "laminated" with packing tape. It's been a great way to redirect my son during the day. It's nice because he can look at his sheets and see what comes next. They're also nice when I have a babysitter. It's really easy to instruct them with the bedtime and daily routines and it helps my son to obey because he knows what's going on.

1 comment:

Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!