
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bloggy Giveaway

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

I just signed up for a bunch of giveaways and thought that some of you would be interested in these as well. Check it out:
  1. Many Little Blessings: $25 Gift Card
  2. The Homeschool Classroom: $25 Gift Card
  3. Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House: MediBag 4 Kids Pack (check out Me4Kidz for more products)
  4. Miss Musing: $100 Gift Card
  5. Robyn's Online World: $50 Gift Card
  6. Frugal Finds From Your Frugal Friend: $10 Target Gift Card
  7. Sweet Savings: $25 Borders Gift Card
  8. An Iowa Mom: $50 Target Gift Card
  9. Welcome to My Loonyverse: $25 Gift Card
  10. The Money Jar: $5 Starbucks Gift Card, Starbucks chocolate, and Warm Vanilla Bath and Body products.

I've entered a few more contests as there are over 600 giveaways to enter. Have fun!! And don't forget to leave your contact information!!

1 comment:

Thanks for giving me a little bloggy love!